Overseas wechat without attention after the response function, how to open?



Many overseas companies have found that Tencent has limited restrictions on the use of overseas public numbers through our slightly registered overseas subject public number.

In addition to the inability to independently open WeChat cross-border payments, the two most common features are:

1. Pay attention to the reply function,

2. And the content of the body cannot be jumped to the outer chain (only the content of the article that the public number has been published can be jumped).

Then, next, Wei Shangjun corresponds one by one and talks about solutions.

1. What can I do if the overseas public number cannot open WeChat cross-border payment?

Solution: Like Okinawa to find Yang Ming and other micro-customer's public number mall / small program last time, has now successfully received cross-border payment.

Second, the overseas public number does not pay attention to the reply function, what should I do?

The Post-Response feature is the first step in guiding fans and is more important than customizing the menu bar.

The overseas public number is unified without this function (it is not clear why TC is not willing to open this function).

If you want to use it, you need to develop it separately. Through our micro-interaction, after the technical docking, you can use this function. (WeChat vs20132021)

It can still be achieved by developing this feature, like this:

It can not only automatically obtain the user's WeChat nickname (to give a distinguished and exclusive experience), but also jump to the public number/small program store, and also guide the user to input keywords and obtain relevant information.

Third, the body content can not jump outside the chain, what should I do?

Wei Shangjun has a trick to generate a QR code tool using a link like the "forage QR code" class.

In the place where you need to jump outside the chain, add a QR code generated by the external chain to solve this problem easily~



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